Friday, 31 January 2014






Nutrition - Benefits of eating olives

Experts recommend taking a day 7 olives. This food is consumed mainly as a starter and has a wide range with or without bone, whole or chopped green or black. Also used as an ingredient in numerous dishes of Spanish Mediterranean diet.

Is the raw material is obtained from olive oil are a healthy food with high nutritional value has important health benefits and to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

* They are nutritious and rich in mineral content as sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and iodine.

* Contribute to the contribution of calcium to the body. Antioxidants due to their group B vitamins and provitamin A and E.

* They provide essential vitamins and amino acids.

* They contain oleic acid, which has beneficial properties to protect the heart.

Improve memory 

Olives contain polyphenols, a natural chemicals that reduce oxidative stress in the brain. Eating a daily serving of olives improves memory by 25% according to research from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.


A cup of olives contain 4.4 mg of iron. Iron helps in the synthesis of carnitine, an amino acid that converts fat into energy. Besides the iron up the hemoglobin in the blood.

Reduce wrinkles

Eating olives improves the appearance of wrinkles by 20% since they contain oleic acid, which keeps skin soft and healthy. In addition, Nutrition - Benefits of eating olives

Experts recommend taking a day 7 olives. This food is consumed mainly as a starter and has a wide range with or without bone, whole or chopped green or black. Also used as an ingredient in numerous dishes of Spanish Mediterranean diet.

Is the raw material is obtained from olive oil are a healthy food with high nutritional value has important health benefits and to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

* They are nutritious and rich in mineral content as sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and iodine.

* Contribute to the contribution of calcium to the body. Antioxidants due to their group B vitamins and provitamin A and E.

* They provide essential vitamins and amino acids.

* They contain oleic acid, which has beneficial properties to protect the heart.

* There is a variety with over 90 different types of filling.

* It's affordable and suitable ingredient in recipes as typical of summer salads.

The can enjoy with or without bone, whole or chopped, green or black.

Control appetite 

The eating 10 olives before meals reduced appetite by 22% according to studies in Italy. 

Monounsaturated fatty acids containing olives are slower digestion and stimulate the hormone cholecystokinin, a hormone that sends messages of satiety to the brain. Moreover, these acids also stimulate the production of adiponectin, a chemical that burns fat for five hours after ingestion.

Its benefits are:

Provides several benefits since they have a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants as well, making it an ideal food for the prevention of cardiovascular disease by decreasing cholesterol levels (bad) cholesterol without lowering good cholesterol.

They also prevent arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries, making closer are very serious and if you can even block the blood vessels.)

Have a protective effect and toning the skin.

In addition to its large number of fibers improves the slow intestinal transit constipation.

Is currently studying whether olive oil lowers the risk of certain cancers and in the protection exercise on brain function.

Seven day eating olives, about 25 grams, within a balanced diet has the same cardiovascular effects at the olive oil. 

So said the charge of the Unit of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics of the Hospital Universitario La Paz, Carmen Gómez Candela, during a luncheon in Madrid organized by the Association of Exporters and Industrialists Table Olives (ASEMESA).

Monday, 27 January 2014











November 28, 2012 | Filed in Olive Oil World
By Angela Bell
Olive Oil Times Contributor | Clemson, South Carolina

We need fat in our diet. Our bodies need it as a source of energy, to process fat soluble vitamins and as the source of essential fatty acids important for the normal function of certain glands, metabolic functions, growth and reproduction. Children in particular need good dietary fat.

Unfortunately, most children I know eat mostly bad dietary fats, the kind that come from meat, dairy and baked goods. One of the best choices for dietary fat is extra virgin olive oil. But, for most kids, olive oil is as appealing to their taste buds as oysters, liver and Brussels sprouts.
So, what do you do with the finicky eater? The problem with olive oil is the taste, not the texture, so you could try hiding it. The success rate, however, for hiding a flavor that is distasteful to a child is somewhere around zero. Instead, the long-term goal should be to help the child develop a palate for olive oil — and the earlier the better.
Ways for kids to savor the flavor of olive oil

Dip it. Let your little ones play with their food. Teach them to dip bread, pita wedges or tortilla chips in lightly seasoned olive oil. Even toddlers can successfully dip their food and will begin associating olive oil with fun. It’s a great way to start developing a taste for a healthy alternative to butter and buttery flavors.

Buy olive oil made especially for kids. Just as there are spicier, more pungent extra virgin olive oils well suited for the adult palate, there are varieties of sweeter, milder olive oils made especially for children. Drizzle it over a favorite dessert, spread on toast or use it to fry their chicken tenders. Even though it is sweeter than the more adult variety, it has an olive oil flavor to which their palates will eventually become accustomed.

Taste test olive oil. It probably took you a while to find your favorite flavor of olive oil so don’t expect your child to take any less time than you did. Have a family taste test. Buy small containers and sample each until everyone finds one that pleases their palate. Label it for her use only.

Thursday, 16 January 2014


Olive Oil May Help You Eat Less
March 18, 2013 
By Elena Paravantes
Olive Oil Times Health Editor | Reporting from Athens

Olive oil is known for many of its health benefits, but new research shows that it may even help in weight loss. A study from the Technical University of Munich showed that fats in general, but olive oil in particular, increases feelings of fullness which may result in consuming less calories overall.

Fat is necessary in the diet not only for its essential fatty acids and for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, but also to produce feelings of satiety. This is one of the reasons many individuals have a difficult time adhering to low fat diets as they may not feel full, so they eat more carbohydrates or other foods in order to compensate.
Work groups at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the University of Vienna studied four different fats and oils: Lard, butterfat, rapeseed oil (canola) and olive oil. Participants received 500 grams (18 ounces) of low-fat yoghurt enriched with one of the four fats or oils every day as a supplement to their normal diet for a period of 3 months.
According to Prof. Peter Schieberle, Head of the TUM Chair of Food Chemistry and Director of the German Research Center for Food Chemistry, olive oil had the biggest satiety effect. “The olive oil group showed a higher concentration of the satiety hormone serotonin in their blood and these participants also reported that they found the olive oil yogurt very filling,” Schieberle said.
 During the study period, no member of the olive oil group gained weight or saw an increase in their body fat percentage.
The researchers believe that the aroma compounds of the olive oil may play a role and focused on that in the second part of the study. Participants were either given one yogurt with olive oil aroma extracts or plain yogurt. The olive oil group’s calorie intake remained the same, but the control group had been consuming 176 extra calories a day even though both yogurts had the same calories. It was noted in the study that the olive oil aroma group adapted their eating habits – but the control group participants were not able to do the same and they also found that in comparison to the aroma group, the control group had less of the satiety hormone serotonin in their blood.

This is not the first time satiety and olive oil have been studied. A University of California study had shown that oleic acid (a fatty acid abundant in olive oil), may prolong feelings of fullness between meals.
Any type of fat provides satiety, however it appears that olive oil due to a number of factors may be more effective, and with its additional health benefits it can be the ideal fat to be used in the diet. It is important to note though that while olive oil may make you feel full longer, it needs to be used judiciously in order to achieve a balanced calorie intake.


Tuesday, 14 January 2014


Can I Give My Baby Olive Oil?

Answer: Yes, from 6 Months.
If you want to add olive oil to your baby food recipes, or if you want to feed it to your child, it is always best to stick with extra-virgin olive oil.
What Is Olive Oil?
Olive oil is taken by pressing the olive to extract the natural oils. Extra virgin olive oil is taken from the first press of the olives in the extraction process. Heat is not used in this process, and no chemical processing takes place either. 
This is why extra-virgin varieties are the healthiest type to use, as all the original nutrients are still intact.

Other types of olive oil, including pure or refined, will have gone through some type of processing, which removes the nutritional value. Light ones may contain other vegetable oils with it, and are not 100% pure olive oil.
Nutritional Value of Olive Oil
Olive oil is high in calories. It contains monounsaturated fats; these are the fats that help lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. Olive oil also contains fatty acids, which can also be found in breast milk and help your child grow and develop. (Note for moms: olive oil can also help you retain bone mass.)
It also contains vitamins A, C, D, E and K, plus many B vitamins. It is a rich source of anti-oxidants, which help prevent heart disease and cancer. These anti-oxidants are more prevalent in extra-virgin olive oil. The oleic acid in olive oil, which is also found in breast milk, helps your child’s brain grow and develop. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent or limit the severity of asthma.
Olive oil also contains poly phenols that are vital amino acids. They aid the body in repairing damaged cells and necessary for a healthy cardio-vascular system
In fact, some parts of the world believe that it has health-promoting benefits. Diaper rash and cradle cap also respond to extra virgin olive oil. Be careful applying olive oil to broken or sensitive skin and consult your doctor first.

Tips On Including Olive Oil In Your Child’s Diet
If you want to add olive oil to your baby food recipes, or if you want to feed it to your child, it is always best to stick with extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO). Keep in mind, though, that while olive oil is healthy, consuming too much of it may cause your child to have diarrhea. If you are adding it to your child’s food, you should not use more than ¼ tsp. for a 2 ounce serving of food.
It can be used in place of less healthy cooking oils. Instead of buttering bread, drizzle a little olive oil over it. You can also drizzle it over cooked vegetables or blend with other vegetables you plan on pureeing. You can even stir some into mashed potatoes! There are many options on how to include olive oil in your child’s diet. Bear in mind that children may find the taste too strong. There are a number of children’s olive oils on the market which have a milder flavor and lower acidity levels so it is easier for children to digest
Allergies are Rare
Olive oil rarely causes allergic reactions, but like with any other food, it is recommended to be given to him or her for the first time paired with a food you already know they can handle. This way, if your child does have an allergic reaction, you know that olive oil was the culprit.
Olive Oil Is Not For Constipation
If you’re worried over your baby’s bowel movement you are not alone. Breast fed babies can have a bowel movement from every time they nurse to 10 days. This is a big window for a worried parent to be told “it’s normal”. Formula fed babies can also skip a few days without a bowel movement without parents worrying.

Babies who are exclusively breast fed are rarely constipated. Breast milk has the perfect balance of fat an protein so stools should usually be soft. It is not uncommon for your baby to go for a few days without passing a stool. For babies on formula, if you suspect your baby is constipated consult your doctor and discuss changing brands. Be aware that when you do change there may be a transition period where your baby’s bowel movement routine is disrupted.
Reasons babies may be constipated:
You will recognize constipation if your baby is straining, in discomfort or if the stools are regularly hard and dry.
Do not give your baby olive oil for constipation.
Olive oil is very gentle on your child’s stomach and you will probably have heard it is an old fashioned laxative. Consuming too much will certainly cause diarrhea, but you should not use it as a home remedy for constipation. There are plenty of other safe remedies to help cure this.
Baby Massage With Olive Oil
Lots of parents around the world use olive oil to massage their babies with no problems at all. Baby massage is proven to help your baby relax, reduce crying and affect hormones that control stress in an infant. If you would like to know more about the benefits of baby massage check out the website for the
There are a number of different oils you can use to massage your baby’s skin, and olive oil is one of them. Because there is no confirmed testing as to the benefits or hazards of olive oil on an infants skin, here are some details to help you decide for yourself.
Olive oil is low in linoleic acid and high in oleic acid. Both of these are fatty acids. Linoleic acid can strengthen your baby’s skin barrier. Oleic acid, on the other hand, can make some layers of your baby’s skin more permeable. When your baby’s skin is more permeable it could mean oil and water are more readily absorbed into your baby’s skin. But permeability means the movement of moisture works both ways.
This means that if your baby’s skin is damaged, for example through eczema, the oleic acid can possibly increase moisture loss through your baby’s skin. This could potentially make the eczema worse.
There are arguments that oleic acid is harmful to healthy skin and others which argue that there is no harm done. Olive oil is commonly used by many people on their skin and it is also routinely found in adult skin care products such as moisturizers and cosmetics.
There is very little research into whether olive oil can harm your baby’s skin. There are also very few cases of people being adversely affected by olive oil applied to their skin. If you are worried or have a family history of skin disorders, be careful about what you put onto your baby’s skin. There are baby mineral oils, high in linoleic acid, which may be a better choice for your child’s sensitive skin.
Remember, olive oil is healthy for your baby to consume after six months of age. It is rich in vitamins and contains antioxidants and healthy fats that are great for your baby’s growth and development. If you have the choice, extra virgin olive oil is best, as it was never processed. Never use olive oil to cure your child’s constipation, and remember that too much of it can cause diarrhea.
If you have any questions about giving your child olive oil, it is best to consult your child’s physician. He or she will be able to discuss your concerns more thoroughly.

Sunday, 12 January 2014


December 30, 2013, 

Snow, rains, floods in Palestine, what about the farmers?

The heavy rains and snows that hit Palestine with fierce storm Alexa in mid-December were rare. Thank you all for asking about our farmers during this cold winter. Here is the report:

There was heavy snow on the higher elevations near Ramallah and Nablus, rain everywhere else, and widespread electrical shortages. Vegetable farmers lost crops, and the price of vegetables went up in the markets. But olive and almond trees came through the storm okay, and though the winter isn't over and it is too early to tell, the farmers are looking forward to good crops next season.

Specifically, farmers in the higher elevations had broken branches – up to 60% of olive trees, and 90% of trees with bigger leaves like lemon and other fruit trees were damaged. 7 PFTA cooperatives were affected by heavy snow: 'Asira al Shamaliya, Shaka, 'Arura, Mazari' Ennubani, Deir Ballout, Sebastiya, and Nus Jbeil. Since farmers prune their olive trees regularly, they hope to find new branches will emerge to carry future harvests.

Farmers in the north didn't see any snow, just plentiful rain, and the farmers were happy because rain is always good for trees since Palestine has no access to their underground water.

The almond farmers said frost is good for almonds, they require a certain amount of cold to produce good almonds. And frost is a natural pesticide for trees!

In spite of the cold (no electricity meant no heat for many villages for 4 to 5 days), children and their parents played in the snow (many for the first time in their lives) and Facebook was filled with snow pictures and snowmen. Palestine is now sunny and cold, but they hear there is another storm coming in January.

For those in the refugee camps, or tents, or beduins, the cold and dark continue. Gaza was flooded and many home first floors were underwater. This would be an emergency in any country even without the blockade that has reduced electricity to a few hours a day. 

Please help where you can, put pressure on Israel and Egypt to open the Gaza borders and let help in.



Header Theeb Alqerem, Feeling proud working with Canaan.

Header Theeb Alqerem is recognized as a farming leader in his village of Jalquamous. He is known for his high quality farming practices. He prides himself as an organic farmer with rich soil, free of pesticides and he has been careful about the way he arranges his fields. 

Header is also very particular about his harvesting procedures, always picking his olives by hand and gently placing them in boxes. It's always been the way he has done things. 

So when Canaan Fair Trade introduced these agricultural procedures to him, it was nothing new to him. However, he knew that by working with Canaan his productions would gain an even better reputation: "I have always given my land my best....Other companies look at Canaan as a model of success and they want to emulate Canaan."

Header is also highly impressed by the way Canaan has improved the local economy of Jalquamous. "I've never seen the economy this good before." 

Header is proud of the way Canaan takes care of their farmers, teaching them about healthy agricultural practices and ensuring a minimum price. "Canaan keeps farmers sustainable because they can depend on a minimum price. Canaan is our best choice."



Mengikut sumber rasmi yang dikeluarkan oleh INTERNATIONAL OLIVE OIL COUNCIL pada bulan November 2013,

Palestine telah mengeluarkan sebanyak 15,500 tan Minyak Zaitun bagi musim 2013/2014. Angka ini adalah sama dengan musim 2011/2012 dan 2012/2013.

Pengeluaran Minyak Zaitun terbanyak di Palestine bagi tempoh lima tahun ini adalah pada musim 2010/2011 dengan jumlah pengeluaran sebanyak 25,000 tan.

Pertambahan pengeluaran juga akan menstabilkan harga Minyak Zaitun dari Palestine dan ini akan memberi peluang kepada lebih ramai pengguna di Malaysia kemampuan untuk membeli Minyak Zaitun dari Palestine berbanding dengan harga pasaran sekarang. 

Pertumbuhan sihat industri pertanian di Palestine dengan jumlah pokok yang bakal bertambah akan meningkatkan lagi jumlah pengeluaran. 

Adalah di harapkan dengan sokongan kita semua, taraf ekonomi petani Islam di Palestine dapat dipertingkatkan lagi dan seterusnya memberi kekuatan baru untuk mereka meneruskan perjuangan.

In Sha Allah.